About two years ago I found exercise and it literally changed my life. I joined a gym and actually managed to stick to it. I found doing a variety of class exercise really worked for me. Exercise became part of my everyday routine and if I am totally honest I got a bit obsessive when I started seeing results. I lost over a stone and a half and saw muscles I hadn't seen since my pre- children days.
I opened my showroom on my 40th birthday a little over 4 months ago and it took complete priority in my life. I was ok about letting the exercise slip and thought I would just squeeze in a few classes each week, rather than every day. I can hear you all saying that is perfectly normal but I have put half a stone on and completely lost my enthusiasm for the gym.... that makes me incredibly sad as I type those words.
I couldn't quite believe how fast that actually happened but there you have it, I have said it out loud. My clothes size hasn't changed which is really odd but oh man I wobble!! The wobble is real!
I have decided to take action. I have joined a brand new gym to add a bit of spice to my workouts and no more excuses about there not being enough classes. My new gym David Lloyd has classes running all through the day at times that suit me.
I think this is a really common story for so many of us and I wanted to reach out and let you know we are all the same. Nobody is perfect!!
I think it is all about setting myself some new goals but realistic ones that I can actually achieve and maintain. At David Lloyd they have this amazing thing called Boditrax. It basically reads all your body stats including your BMI, muscle mass, fat mass, ideal weight and much more. It even gave me my metabolic age which made me VERY happy... let me just slip it in here 25!!! That was one of the only figures I really loved reading on the screen. They then can create a personalised workout programme tailored just to you and your body. I had my programme set by a lovely lady called Becky, she set me up with some really interesting exercises on the gym floor using new (to me) equipment. We also looked at the class timetable and set out which ones would challenge me and help me reach my new goals.
There are some amazing offers on at the moment at David Lloyd, they are promoting a 3 month membership which is perfect for families over the summer holidays. They have so much for little ones to do, they have summer camps, swimming and arts and crafts. Milton Keynes also has an amazing outdoor pool which I have been making full use of this week!
If you feel changing your exercise location is too drastic for you I also think investing in some new gym gear is always a winning move. It tends to give me an extra bit of motivation. Trying a different type of exercise is another good tip. Your body gets used to your routine and style of workout quite quickly, I think for me moving gyms, meeting new people and trying something new will hopefully give me the kick start I really need.
I will let you know in a few months time how I am doing.... LOVE Hayley x
I've lost my running mojo since I ran the London marathon. It was the second marathon I've ran and with the juggling of business family and training I just couldn't wait for it to be done. I've been running for 3 years now but I've not stepped out in my runners since London nor do I want to. I've found strength training and spinning is my new regime now and I'm loving it. The marathon training runs were hard and always on my own as had to make sure my child care was covered so weekends were out as both my husband and I work the weekends too including Sunday's. Now I know I have to be somewhere on a certain day I can plan my fitness at lot better. Plus I invested in my mini home gym, kettle bells, trx, Dumbbells, bands, weights and I love it. Think running has just bored me and I need a break from it until I get a mojo back again.
Posted by: Lorraine | 07/19/2016 at 10:54 PM
so glad to hear I am not alone !!! x
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/19/2016 at 11:00 PM
Change is good and you're back on it. Keep going lady!! Look forward to the update.
I didn't lose my exercise mojo, I think I ate it!! I've not stepped inside a gym for nearly 8 years. Before that I was obsessed and would go every day, sometimes twice a day, I'm definitely an all or nothing girl! Work took over, then a child and it's been a slippery slope ever since. I'm 42 (hangs head in shame) in a few weeks and am not impressed with how I've let myself go! You might have inspired me to take a look, maybe just a peek!! The outdoor pool might have swung it and with my little monster starting school in September I'll be able to go. The thought of Boditrax brings me out in a sweat!!!
Thanks for the inspiration again Hayley!! xx
Posted by: Claudine | 07/20/2016 at 08:48 AM
So good to read this. I used to have a trainer and loved him but the girls I trained with stopped and it was too expensive on my own. I loved how it made me feel and loved the pushing myself. I got in shape for my 40th for December but then had a really busy year so far. Now I feel that wobble and just cannot find my mojo. School runs, life and business always come first and I need to stop that. Thanks so much for sharing this x
Posted by: Eve Bell | 07/20/2016 at 09:30 AM
I signed up for my first Pretty Muddy 5K this year, which kick my b**t into gear following a (*cough*) few years break post kids! Seeing you post enjoying exercise again helps motivate to get my body moving! Am also v close to the big 4-0, and realise how important it is to take time to look after ourselves with our busy lives x
Posted by: Laura | 07/20/2016 at 01:14 PM
hahahhaha LOVE your honest comment.
You would LOVE DL, there is a business hub where you could do all of your VA work and soooooo much for little F to do there too.
Plus we can meet for sneaky coffee !!!!
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/21/2016 at 11:44 AM
We sound quite similar Eve....
I just needed to start something new I think.
Getting inspired in any way we can and remembering how exercise has such a positive impact on our lives!
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/21/2016 at 11:45 AM
You look AMAZING lady !!!!!
GO US - we've got this lady !!!
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/21/2016 at 11:46 AM
Perfect timing reading this Hayley. I feel dreadful at the moment. I used to be a member of an amazing David Lloyd but we've moved too far away now. I miss the outdoor pool which I used year round! You've motivated me to get off my backside and do something about it. You look amazing xx
Posted by: Kate Peers | 07/22/2016 at 11:12 AM
Hello Kate ...
i treat my exercise time as 'my time'. I have been so busy with the new showroom but I am back on it now! I am LOVING David Lloyd, health and wellbeing is vital for us multi-tasking girls !!!
Sending you hugs Mrs P xx
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/22/2016 at 02:55 PM
I wish I lived nearer you so we could go together. I lost my fitness molo about a year ago. Just can't get it back!!!
Posted by: Anna | 07/22/2016 at 03:16 PM
Well done you for getting back on it though! I'm a new David Lloyd member too and I LOVE it! Having classes that fit in and being able to work in their cafe is great for me. I must admit I was rather terrified when I first stepped on the Boditrax machine but it's so good to see the areas to work on and get a better understanding of your fitness levels. Of course the outdoor pool over these summer months is going to be pretty good too!! Xxx
Posted by: Morgana | 07/22/2016 at 03:36 PM
I joined a gym at the beginning of the year, started really well, then went on holiday now I can't get back into the routine, I find it hard to find classes that fit in with work and family life. I used to run three times a week which was perfect as it did not take more than half hour to 45 mins, going to a gym by the time you travel there and back I can be gone a couple of hours, unfortunately with running my knees started hurting so I stopped.
I have just started my Friends Pilates classes again, which I love but one of the only times of the week I truly relax and come out of the class half asleep, maybe I am not working my body hard enough, but spending half the class laying down is bliss especially when I am on my feet all the time, I am sure Jo would make me work harder if she read this!! Like you Hayley my clothes size has not gone up but boy do I wobble when the layers come off!!! X
Posted by: Adele | 07/26/2016 at 09:05 AM
This has happened to me too! Last year I started doing PT and classes with a fab lady and met some great friends through the classes too. I didn't actually lose any weight, but felt amazing and so much slimmer and toned. But I was using work-time (the only time I have child-free) to go and as work got busier, I went less and less, until eventually in March I just stopped going altogether. I haven't managed to get back to it yet, but amazingly have found enough time to stuff my face with naughty food and pile on more than half a stone. I've since realised that as much as I want to support the lovely independent business, it just doesn't work for me, the times are too hard to fit in to my current lifestyle. So I've joined a gym too, only for the last month and already I've been more active but still nowhere near enough or regularly enough. I'm hoping to find my groove with it soon. Good luck, and that Boditrax thing sounds brilliant! x
Posted by: Clare Mullarkey | 07/26/2016 at 02:28 PM
Oh Anna I wish we lived closer too ... We would laugh our way through the exercise xxx
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/28/2016 at 09:40 PM
Hello you xx
Which DL are you member ??? X
I'm loving the Milton Keynes club !
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/28/2016 at 09:41 PM
The bloody wobble Hahahaha xxx
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/28/2016 at 09:42 PM
The boditrax thing is fab !!!
So good to see the reality and no excuses !! Xxx
Hope you love your new gym & it all becomes routine again for you xx
Posted by: breathe happiness | 07/28/2016 at 09:44 PM
For me it's kids. I used to work out 2 hours per day before children. Now I spend the day running around chasing three boys under 8! And frankly this is a lot of movement. Not the same as going to the gym but movement is movement.
Posted by: Elizabeth Hanson | 07/30/2016 at 03:04 AM
Is this Boditrax available in gym stores? If not, where can we purchase it? I really need it. It's already been a year since I planned on starting a routine. Struggle is real!
Posted by: Gateshead Cleaner | 09/20/2016 at 05:00 PM