Helen Mirren, one of the most iconic older women in the public eye got us thinking that there are plenty of stylish/inspirational women that happen to be over 35. Instagram celebrates youth, there are so many powerful and gorgeous young women on there either starting their journey and ultimately discovering themselves through a grid of 4x4 photos. We applaud this! Good for them. Social media can give you a great platform of self discovery, but their is a bracket of women out there who are perhaps not as vocal on social media, or as confident taking "selfies" as it's not the done thing in that generation, you get to a certain point where you think, no one wants to see this face. However they are the true inspiration for a lot of the trends we see emerging on these social media platforms.
The community that we surround ourselves with on instagram celebrate style. It isn't ageist, sexist or racist. We urge all women over 35 to start a revolution, celebrate that you too are cool! As Helen Mirren said, "growing up not growing old".
Now show us your cool! hashtag your photo-
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